Every computer user knows that fast and convenient file manager is very important for completing different tasks on computer. It really prevents time wasting and allows concentrating your attention on significant things. File Smile is a great candidate to become your personal file manager. Developers of this application endowed it with all features that are typical for such kind of software. They also tried to add something new to increase its’ functionality and ease of use. For example, you can explore several folders on program’s main window at the same time. It’s very convenient for transferring files between them. To divide files into groups for different purposes you can color them. You can turn on special filters for browsing files only of certain type. If you have folders that you use much more frequently than others you can bookmark them for providing quick access. Except standard file attributes that describe its preferences you can add your own comments to any file. File Smile also includes a range of skins for changing its appearance. To get more information about its performance you can use help file or a special system of tips.